okay...technically, it's a day shy of six months later, but who's really counting? A quick catch up:
~I finished the Planet Ultra King of the Mountains Series and was happy with my results...
4th place for women under 50. After this series I definitely felt that if I put more training in next year that I could cut my time somewhat. I really needed more hill training!
~I finished my third double century, Eastern Sierra on June 2nd. It was tough because George crashed 70 miles into and my head wasn't really into it for the rest of the ride. Well that and the last 30 miles of headwinds were a bitch, but I'll stop complaining about something that happened four months ago. This completed my
California Triple Crown and I am currently awaiting my snazzy finishers jersey.
~Crewed RAAM, it was long, hard and rewarding all wrapped into one.
~Got a job...had some fun, decided I wasn't happy there.
~Slacked off on training for most of the summer. I suck.
~Totally bonked on GMR one Sunday and went through two bottles and still overheated 2.5 miles from the top. Please see the above comment about sucking. ;) Thankfully George came down after summitting and gave me one of his bottles.
~Redeemed myself with a personal best time up GMR (sub-1hr) a couple of weeks later. YAY me. Now I need a new goal for that road. Note...riding with a PowerTap helps, but only if you're looking at it and pacing yourself accordingly. :)
~Got a new job, much better. Fit into my schedule perfectly...W/Th/F...the days that the kids are with their dad.
~Have been sick for about a bajillion weeks. Okay, maybe not a bajillion, but at least six. The snot has floweth long enough and needs to stop. Pronto.
~Crewed Furnace Creek 508 for George. WOW. Fixed gear, he's a total nut. It was painful to watch at times, particularly on the major climbs, but he's an animal and he made it. I'm so proud of him. See his blog here...
www.epictrain.blogspot.com and check out all of the pictures. Particularly the ones where I turn the handoffs into diva-esque posing activities. ;) I'm working on a report on my experience, hopefully to be posted soon.
~I've made out my event schedule for next year and now it's time to start training again. I'm finally starting to feel a little better, so I made it out on the fixed gear today. Someone thinks I should be training on this bike for the winter (unless I'm climbing) and who am I to argue? It was fun. I'm still a little nervous about getting going again after stopping, but I did about 16 miles this morning and I survived. I only forgot that I was riding fixed once, for a nano-second when I thought I might coast. OOPS. It sure tells you otherwise, and quickly!
~We got a tandem...finally! We've been waiting for this thing for what seems like forever. I freaked out a little bit the first time we went out and I'll admit that it feels strange to not have control back there in the stoker position. I've taken to closing my eyes when he's turning, it stops me from trying to steer the bike. We're hoping to do a couple of the early season double centuries on it and I decided that I have the goal of doing a sub-5 hour century on the tandem...even if we only do it in 4:59. ;)
Okay...off to Target for the little guy to spend his birthday money. More later!